How to Comiket pt2: Pesquisando o que comprar

Antes eu escrevi algumas dicas do que levar e como se preparar fisíca e mentalmente para a Comiket. Agora falaremos sobre a parte mais importante: Pesquisa de campo preemptiva! (●ↀωↀ●)✧

Parte 2 – Como descobrir artistas e círculos interessantes

Toda Comiket tem um catálogo enorme com o circle cut de todos os artistas, mostrando o dia e o local onde ficarão, e mapas do evento. Esse catálogo pode ser comprado com antecedência em qualquer loja de doujin (Toranoana, Melonbooks e acho que até a Mandarake vendem) ou na porta no dia do evento. Mas essa porra pesa. Pelo menos 3 quilos. Pode não ser uma boa idéia ficar andando com esse peso extra, ou perder valioso tempo de evento procurando coisas legais no catálogo.

O que fazer então? Tem algumas alternativas de como procurar coisas legais antes da Comiket…

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How to Comiket pt1: O que levar

Olá! Hisashiburi desu ne 😀

O post de hoje é especial em que ele será tanto em português quanto em inglês!! (pelo menos no momento em que isso está sendo escrito há ainda a intenção de traduzir para o inglês, vamos ver…)

A Comiket de verão está chegando, e eu nem cheguei a fazer meu post sobre a de inverno! ∑(゜Д゜;) Muita gente tem me pedido ajuda sobre a Comiket, então resolvi unir o útil ao agradável e fazer o…

Guia Compreensivo da Fychan de Como Comiket!!

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Design Festa

Ohisashiburi yet again!!

This time I’m making the post on the spot so it doesn’t go into a limbo again (*`∀´*) Maybe one day I’ll get used to this blogging thing!!

Today I went to Design Festa! Design Festa is a big event focused on independent artists and designers. From their description on Facebook: “Unregulated and uncensored, Design Festa is Asia’s largest art and performance event and Japan’s single most diverse mecca of artistic expression.” Wow!!

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Fydventures #??: Tokyo Game Show (pt 1)

ひさしぶりだね!Hello again everyone!
We interrupt you regular schedule for a special post (before I forget everything again): Tokyo Game Show!

Before we start, I should warn you that I’m not used to taking pics of everything I see (which is partly why this blog is so barebones) and that pictures weren’t allowed at a good portion of TGS, so this might be a bit boring. I also went to TGS for a very specific reason, so I didn’t get to see it to it’s fullest!

Well, without further ado: TGS 2014!! Read More

Fydventures #1: Nihon e youkoso!

Most that are reading this blog probably already know, but I’ve been accepted in a scholarship to study in Japan for one year. This scholarship in question is Science Without Borders, a scholarship from the Brazilian government that sends thousands of students to study abroad. I’m required to mention it on every article I publish, but I’m not sure my travel blog is what they had in mind when they made that rule.

But before I tell you all about Glorious Nippon, I’d like to tell you the stories of how I actually got here. Because I’m still surprised it all panned out. Read More

Figure collection


One of the biggest frustrations in life is how I’m always unable of keeping my room clean. Part of that includes my figure collection – I feel the worst for not taking care of it as well as I should.

I was unable to finish cleaning my room before coming to Japan, but I made sure to organize my entire collection so I could finally take pictures of it. The disposition isn’t perfect – Vocaloid shelf is too cramped, some figures are broken and others need risers – but hopefully you’ll enjoy the pictures anyway! (also, sorry for all the dust)

And that’s it!! This post is missing the pictures from my plushie collection, which I might add later, but this is my collection! ♥ Hope you enjoyed the pictures!